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"Manifestos of Care: Conspire" Mid-America Theatre Conference. Virtual. March 2021.




"Bree Newsome and Citizenship, Activism, and Artistic Practice." Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Bi-Annual Encuentro. Santiago, Chile. July 2016.


"Vocality/Locality" Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Bi-Annual Encuentro. São Paolo, Brazil. January 2013. (Accepted as Encuentro participant, unable to attend.)


"Boobs in the Machine: Mediated Memory and Neo-Burlesque Performance." Performance Studies International Annual Conference. Utrecth, Netherlands. May 2011.


"Voice as Episteme: Cartographies, Practice, and Research." Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Bi-Annual Encuentro. Bogotá, Colombia. August 2009.


"Misfiring on 'Merican: Misproduction, Exclusion, and the United States Presidency." Performance Studies International Annual Conference. Zagreb, Croatia. June 2009. (Accepted, unable to attend.)


"Belonging to the (W)hole: Negotiating the Borders of History, Post-Katrina New Orleans & The America Play." Performance Studies International Annual Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. August 2008.


"Fraudulent Undressings: Bawdy Politics in Burlesque Performance." Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics Bi-Annual Encuentro. Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 2007.


"Staging and Raving the Border: Iphigenia in the Americas." American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference. Puebla, Mexico. April 2007.


"Voice and the Venus: Exploring Suzan-Lori Parks' Venus through Voice and Speech." International Federation for Theatre Research Annual Conference." Helsiniki, Finland. August 2006.


"I Am Your Memory: Yuyachkani's Embodying Performance, Gesture, and Memory." International Federation for Theatre Research Annual Conference." Helsiniki, Finland. August 2006.




"Molly's Dream: Imagined, Staged." for The Music Dance Theatre of Maria Irene Fornés Roundtable Panel. Association For Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. Virtual. August 2021.


“Lived Experiences Shape the Process, Corporeal Autonomy, and Experience in Intimacy Choreography” for Culturally Competent Intimacy Choreography Roundtable. Association for Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. Virtual. July 2020.


“Opening Up Casting with Caryl Churchill’s Love and Information” for ”Trans and Non-Binary Roles for Transand Non-Binary Actors” Panel. Association For Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. July 2019.


"Burlesque, Community, Place." American Society for Theatre Research Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. November 2018. (Conference cancelled  due to labor dispute at conference hotel.)


"(Pause): Creating Space for Mid-Process Reflection in a Theatre-Dance Collaboration." With Emily Morgan. National Dance Education Organization Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ. October 2015.


"From Triage to Marriage: Teaching GLBTQ Theatre and Film History." Association for Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada. July 2015.


"Collaborative Displacement and The Hungry Woman." With Erica Ocegueda. Association for Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. July 2014.


"'So Says Hearsay': Voice Shapes History via The America Play." American Society for Theatre Research Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. November 2012.


"Voice, Theory and USAmerican Stages" Association for Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. August 2011. (Accepted, and participated in pre-conference panel discussion, unable to attend.)


"Bawdy en Masse: The Performance of Gender at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend." American Society for Theatre Research Annual Conference. Seattle, WA. November 2010.


"The President's Mouth: George W. Bush's 'Merica and Suzan-Lori Parks' The America Play." Association for Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. New York, NY. July 2009.


"A Great (W)hole in Our History: Post-Katrina New Orleans as/through The America Play."

American Society for Theatre Research Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ. November 2007.


"Our Game: Baseball and the Performance of Identity in the Americas." Association for Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. July 2007. (Accepted, unable to attend.)


"Iphigenia Raves: Myth, Media and the Border." Popular Culture Association. Boston, MA. April 2007.


"The Contemporary in the Americas: Exploring David Roman's Contemporary as Popular." American Society for Theatre Research. Chicago, IL. November 2006.


"Struggle (Be)fore Beauty: Location of Sexual Performativity in the Theatre of Cherríe Moraga." Association for Theatre in Higher Education Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. (Accepted, unable to attend.) August 2006.




"Intersectionality in Performance: Perspective on Pedagogy" Southeastern Women's Studies Association Annual Conference. Rock Hill, SC. March 2016.


"End: Site Specific Theatre and Dance Collaboration." With Emily Morgan. Water in the World: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Access and Sustainability Conference. Rock Hill, SC. November 2015.


"Staging Freedom: Race, Sexuality and 2015." Midwest Popular Culture/American Culture Association Annual Conference. Cinncinnati, OH. October 2015.


"Presence, Knowing and Those Keys: Validating Desire in the Young, Queer, Female Body in the Musical Fun Home." Southeastern Women's Studies Association Annual Conference. Boca Raton, FL. March 2015.


"Paso por paso: Collaborative Displacement and The Hungry Woman" With Erica Ocegueda. Mid-America Theatre Conference Annual Conference. Kansas City, MO. March 2015.


"Collaboration, Engagement and Performance: The Hungry Woman, Azteca Dance and the Global Learning Initiative." Global Learning Initiative Conference. Rock Hill, SC. September 2013.


"Considering a Hemispheric Perspective" Gloval Learning Iniative Conference. Rock Hill, SC. September 2011.


"Voice/Class: The Practice of Voice and Speech and the Performance of Class." Mid-America Theatre Conference Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. March 2009.


"Documenting Loss, Levees, and the Great (W)hole: When the Levees Broke and The America Play." Southwest Popular Culture Association Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. February 2009.


"Re-membering Antigone: Political Memory and Temporality in Latin American Theatre." Mid-American Theatre Conference Annual Conference. March 2006.


"Antigones and Allegories: Temporality of Kinship and Performance in Latin America." Comparative Drama Conference Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA. March 2006.


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